by Società Elettrica Liparese S.r.l.



Welcome to the MySEL App!If you are a customer of SEL - Società Elettrica Liparese, MySEL is the official app with which you can manage, where you want and when you want, your electricity usage.With MySEL you can:- Make and send the self-reading of your meter;- Check the status of your invoices, view them and download them quickly;- Select and proceed with the payment of your invoices via PayPal and Credit Cards;- Download the documentation for the services provided- Send messages to Customer Service to request information or support.InstructionsThe MySEL App is simple, intuitive and fast. Register as a private or company, enter your email and password and access the default dashboard; then select your user and take advantage of all the services available.Sign inTo register, just click on "Are you a new customer? Register ’fill in the appropriate form (Private or Company) and use the code that will arrive via SMS to the number entered; then, log in to the App by entering your email and password and clicking on Login.